Monday, December 29, 2008

Proyek "Rumah" akhir tahun

Rumah baru? Maunya siih.. :D
Rumah sendiri? itu juga impian..

Mau bergaya minimalis, klasik, modern, kontemporer, victorian, mediteranian, modern art deco.. halaahh.. pusing ngga sih?
Cat rumahnya mau putih, beige, coklat, biru muda, atau kuning muda yaa? *tambah pusing...*

Hhmmm.. daripada pusing2 bikin rumah beneran gimana kalau bikin rumah2an dulu? Kita bikin rumah jahe a.k.a gingerbread house aja yuk? Waktu itu mba Arfi ngajakin bikin ini buat proyek liburan. Sounds great!

Mumpung ternyata ada libur bersama yang panjang nih (5 hari bo!), kita mulai bikin kukisnya dulu. Dan rumahnya ngga bisa selesai dalam 1 hari euy, maklum.. meskipun libur tapi tetep aja harus visite ke rs :P. Dan taraaaaa... mau liat hasil kerjaan Salma n mom? Sy cuman ngebantuin ngediriin rumahnya aja loh, ngedekor dan nempel2 semuanya terserah Salma.
Our gingerbread house
Gingerbread House
By:Sarah Bowman
Source : Taste magazine, December 2007


125g butter
¾ cup golden syrup
1 cup sugar
3 cups flour
2 Tbsp ginger
3 Tbsp mixed spice
1 tsp baking soda
2 Tbsp milkIcing
3 egg whites
5 cups icing sugar
Melt butter, golden syrup and sugar in a large pot and bring to the boil. It is very important to let the mixture boil rapidly for several minutes and stir it as it boils. This ensures a smooth and elastic dough.
Sift the flour, ginger and mixed spice into a large bowl. Pour melted butter mix into the dry ingredients and mix to combine.
Mix baking soda and milk in a cup and pour into the dough, stirring until it is well combined. Rest dough for 15-20 minutes, covered in plastic wrap.
Roll out handfuls of dough (5mm thick) on lightly floured pieces of baking paper. Use pattern pieces to cut out house shapes (removing excess dough as you go and returning it to the bowl). Leave room between each piece for expansion during cooking. Slide pieces of baking paper with the biscuit pieces onto baking trays. (Bake in batches.) Bake for 10-15 minutes at 170°C. Cool on wire racks.
Cook’s tip
Use leftover dough to make people and trees for the house, or Christmas tree decorations. With a skewer, put a hole in the top of each decoration biscuit (to thread a ribbon through) before baking and repeat straight after cooking, as the holes close over during baking. Decorate when cool.
Whisk egg whites until frothy, then beat in icing sugar until thick (about 5 minutes). Cover with a damp tea towel orpaper towel and plastic wrap to prevent the icing drying out.
Cook’s note
Pregnant women, babies and the unwell should not eat raw egg white.


Selamat Tahun Baru 1430 H...

Happy holiday buat semuanya, sampai jumpa di tahun 2009

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