Sunday, August 23, 2009

Another brownies recipe

Waktu nemu buku resepnya Linda Collister yang tentang Brownies, saya bener-bener excited banget. Apalagi harganya yang bener-bener terjangkau untuk ukuran buku import. Pertama kali dapat info buku ini dari mba Rahmah waktu liat postingannya tentang espresso brownies yang fenomenal itu loh hihihi.. Jadinya begitu nemu, tanpa pikir panjang lagi langsung masuk tas belanjaan :D. Tenkyiu ya mba...

So, it's time to practice another recipe. Bingung juga milih yang mana duluan yang mau dicoba, semuanya bikin drolling. Ada dua kandidat, antara bernuansa kacang2an atau kelapa. Hhhmmmm... cap cip cup kembang kuncup, pilih yang mana yang paling enak. Akhirnya, pilih peanut butter brownies aja deh, karena masih punya persediaan selai kacang sebelum ludes dimakan hehehe..

Peanut Butter Brownies

Peanut butter brownies

Source : Linda Collister, Brownies.
Makes: 16

100 g good-quality plain chocolate
175 g unsalted butter, diced (sofie : pake butter salted)
3 large free-range eggs
200 g light brown muscovado sugar (sofie : 180gr brown sugar)
120 g plain flour
2 tablespoons cocoa powder

Peanut mixture:
180 g smooth peanut butter
50 g caster sugar
1 tablespoon plain flour
5 tablespoons milk
2 tablespoons roasted, unsalted peanuts

A brownie tin, 20.5 x 20.5 cm, greased and base-lined

1. Preheat the oven to 180° C (350°F) Gas 4. Break up the chocolate and put it in a heatproof bowl with the butter. Set the bowl over a pan of steaming hot water and melt gently, stirring frequently. Remove the bowl from the pan and leave to cool until needed.
2. Break the eggs into a mixing bowl and beat well with a whisk or an electric mixer. Add the sugar and whisk until the mixture is very thick and mousse-like.
3. Whisk in the melted chocolate mixture. Sift the flour and cocoa onto the mixture and mix until thoroughly combined. Transfer the mixture to the prepared tin and spread evently.
4. Put all the ingredients for the peanut mixture into a bowl and mix well. Drop teaspoonfuls of this mixture, evenly spaced, onto the chocolate mixture. Use the end of a chopstick or teaspoon handle to marble or swirl both mixtures. Scatter the peanuts over the top.
5. Bake in the preheated oven for about 30 minutes or until just firm. Leave to cool before removing from the tin and cutting into 16 pieces. Store in an airtight container and eat within 5 days.

Menurut saya sih, harusnya takaran gula jangan dikurangi tuh, jadinya kurang manis. Trus selai kacangnya pake yang betul-betul enak rasanya. Sebenernya favorit saya tuh selai kacangnya si Skippy, tapi berhubung lagi diawet-awet (maklum, disini langka beneerrr, cuma ada di 1 toko itu pun jauh banget lokasinya), jadi saya pake yang merek laen. Akhirnya tuh si brownies pas di bagian peanut butternya kurang nendang. Nyesel deh ga pake yang Skippy, padahal coklatnya udah pake van Houten pula :(.

Meskipun rasanya masih kalah sama versi espresso brownies, tapi masih bolehlah sebagai alternatif variasi brownies. Orang itu satu loyang gede paling banyak dihabisin sama papah tuh.. aih-aih... hati2 perutnya tambah buncit wakakakk..

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